Strength by Science

Advanced Strength Training Strategies

Gillette’s Highest Qualified Strength Coach

Optimizing Gillette’s Athletes for 15 Years

Be an athlete. Train seriously.


Your body’s ability to produce high levels of force quickly. This is the combination of strength and speed. This is a key performance indicator for the vast majority of sports.


Your body’s ability to move both linearly and multi-directionally fast. This is how quickly you can cover distance with a minimal amount of time. Being fast, or having quickness, is one of the greatest athletic advantages in sport performance. Speed requires power, mobility, and improved body composition.


Your body’s ability to access, control, and utilize various joints’ ranges of motion. This partially consists of flexibility, and should always be combined with stability. Mobility is heavily linked with other components of athleticism including speed and resilience.


Your body’s ability to withstand internal and external forces. This is your level of defense against injury. A holistic balance of strength is key here. This requires a combination of mobility, stability, and sport-specific physical preparedness.


Your body’s ratio of muscle mass and fat mass. Improved body composition (increased muscle, decreased fat) improves virtually all aspects of sport performance.

Fully Personalized & Customizable Strength Training Programs:

Sport-Matched, Goal-Oriented, & Athlete-Driven

Sport-Modeled Training Cycles / Long-Term Athletic Development / Annual Periodization